In just over a year, Kim’s spoken at eight meetups, ten conferences, had talks accepted at three more, and has four upcoming talks already lined up. And she’s just getting started. She shares how presenting at meetups became an accidental launchpad for her speaking career at conferences, how she uses her past career in education to create unique tech talks, and how speaking has provided her incredible opportunities, like traveling the world for free.
Show Notes
- Peter Aitken
- AlterConf
- Overcoming the Challenges of Mentoring (Kim's talk)
- Codeland, CodeNewbie's conference - April 21 and 22 in NYC
- Scotland JS
- Women Who Code Atlanta
- Clojure West
- Tech Talk for Non Techies
- JrDev Mentoring
- Codeland Conf
- Codeland 2019
- CallBack Women
- Toastmasters
- National Speakers Association
- Stop Lying To Newbies
- Speakers Who Want a Platform
- JrDevMentoring on Slack
- Strategies For Attracting More of the “Underrepresented” Onto the Conference Stage
- Technically Speaking
- DjangoCon - CFP and financial aid is due (April 10 at midnight)
- Papercall
- Codenames
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