CodeNewbie Logo Contest

We love our green hashtag, but we need a new logo. So we’re turning to our CodeNewbie family for help! Submit your logo design to the CodeNewbie Logo Contest!

The winner will get $200 worth of services from Linode for hosting, backups, and all your infrastructure needs (and now you can get 2GB of RAM for $10/month instead of 1GB), and a swag bag full of shirts, stickers, etc. from Linode. The winner ALSO gets a free Udacity Nanodegree program of your choosing (normally $200/mo). You can pick from any of their programs including Android, iOS App Development, and Intro to Programming. And if we end up using your design, you’ll get a $250 cash prize, and all the CodeNewbie love in the world!

How To Submit:

- The logo design must be submitted by email to as a JPEG or PNG file attached.

- The logo design submission must include your full name and twitter handle in the email.

- The logo design submission must have "CodeNewbie Logo Design Submission" as the email subject.

- You can submit as many logo designs as you like.

- The deadline for entering is Friday July 29, 11:59PM PT. Winners will be announced by Aug 5.

Design Guidelines:

- Great logo designs will be flexible, with the understanding that it might be used on fliers, websites, business cards, etc. and will work in small sizes.

- The logo design must use our CodeNewbie green (#7ed321) and, ideally, only one additional color.

- The logo design cannot contain any copyrighted material and must be created and edited by the contestant.

- The logo design must incorporate the hashtag symbol (#) in some way.

Questions? Email Saron at Excited to see your awesome designs :)